Overview and Protocol

The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) is a study of the characteristics of subclinical cardiovascular disease (disease detected non-invasively before it has produced clinical signs and symptoms) and the risk factors that predict progression to clinically overt cardiovascular disease or progression of the subclinical disease. MESA researchers study a diverse, population-based sample of 6,814 asymptomatic men and women aged 45-84 from six field centers across the United States. Approximately 38 percent of the recruited participants are white, 28 percent African-American, 22 percent Hispanic, and 12 percent Asian, predominantly of Chinese descent. Six exams have been completed since 2000. Participants are contacted every 9 to 12 months throughout the study to assess clinical morbidity and mortality. The final 18 months of the study will be dedicated to close out and data analysis and publication.

MESA Population



MESA Protocol





MESA Population

Total Participants:
Baseline: 6814
Exam 2: 6239
Exam 3: 5946
Exam 4: 5818
Exam 5: 4655
Exam 6: 3302


Age-Gender-Ethnicity Breakdown from Exams 1-6


  45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84
Baseline 1948 29% 1884 28% 2017 30% 965 14%
Exam 2 1815 29% 1735 28% 1834 29% 855 14%
Exam 3 1761 30% 1687 28% 1743 29% 755 13%
Exam 4 1739 30% 1652 28% 1723 30% 704 12%
Exam 5 1544 33% 1425 31% 1296 28% 390 8%
Exam 6 1237 37% 1091 33% 813 25% 161 5%



  Female Male
Baseline 3601 53% 3213 47%
Exam 2 3267 52% 2872 48%
Exam 3 3132 53% 2814 47%
Exam 4 3074 53% 2743 47%
Exam 5 2477 53% 2178 47%
Exam 6 1760 53% 1542 47%



  African-American Chinese-American Hispanic White
Baseline 1891 20% 804 12% 1496 22% 2623 39%
Exam 2 1692 27% 729 12% 1352 22% 2466 40%
Exam 3 1607 27% 699 12% 1257 21% 2383 40%
Exam 4 1509 27% 622 11% 1230 21% 2347 40%
Exam 5 1233 26% 541 12% 999 21% 1822 39%
Exam 6 1322 40% 420 13% 850 26% 710 22%